What We Do

Photo Courtesy of Dana Pesola


What We Do


Sol Duc Leadership is an innovative global organization, committed to helping create a better world.


Our purpose is to help leaders build enduring great organizations!

Who We Serve       

We serve diverse individuals with passion, who are committed to serving others.

What We Do

We teach individuals, leaders, and organizational teams, how to build enduring great organizations inside our Sol Duc Leadership Global Online Community. We address the GAP between Greenleaf’s theory and the successful implementation of a Servant Leadership operating model.

Our Solution

Sol Duc Leadership provides a comprehensive global online community that enables individuals and leaders, to create, build, and scale the enduring great organizations needed to help create a better world. Our global community consists of awareness, education, mentoring, individual & leader assessments, Servant Leadership School, Startup School, Incubator Program, 1:1 Coaching, Sol Duc Leadership Research, Marketing Services, Professional Services, Product Development, and the Sol Duc Foundation. (Funding)

Value Proposition

Unlike some incubator communities, we provide a whole solution that is comprehensive, innovative, & on-demand. In addition, we leverage the power of servant leadership to build positive, trusting, and service-focused cultures. Success occurs when our clients create and grow a high-quality, enduring great organization!